AdjUtil TX200
Not too long ago I wrote an article regarding reset utilities and as part of that I mentioned a potential new “for a price” source of dubious origin.
Well, while it’s perhaps a welcome development, it seems that 2manuals.com have managed to broker some kind of deal with this source as they are now offering the same type of deal except by Credit card
The same scenario seems to be required though. To quote the 2Manuals site (bad spelling and all):
To get this adjustment program for Epson R1900, first you have to send us your PC configuration info file. It can be generated by special program, This program generates 2 files. You send us this files and we send the adjustment program to you.It can work on one PC only. If you change some parts in your computer the program will not work and you have to buy it once more for updated PC.
Whilst the issue of paying money to Western Union is no longer an issue it does beg a few questions still
- What does this “special program” gather in terms of information?
- Why would you pay for something that, when you upgrade your machine, will no longer work
Given the length of time before a normal waste counter reset I have to question the latter particularly as people do upgrade their machines, replace worn parts, etc. Those with older children in particular will definitely fall foul.
That said it does offer hope to those who have something more expensive like the R1900 but if you’re using the cheaper models printers like the TX100, is it really worth it?
Either way, it’s an interesting, if unwelcome development if for no other reason than the increase in cost. I can’t help but wonder if Epson will leave this alone though given their history for legal recourse. We shall see
Hi, I recently tried to pay for the apparently newly released epson tx800fw adjustment program from 2manuals and was not able to pay through paypal. The option was on the site though whenever I tried to confirm and pay I got an error message from Paypal. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone successfully used this service? Is it legit?
Some questions…
Hi, The site has been legit in the past but my last email to the owner took 5 months to get a response so it is still questionable. I’d suggest emailing and reporting the problem. At this stage I couldn’t provide you with the definitive “yes” that I’d like to.
Just tried to get the adjustment program for the R280 and 2manuals site claims they have “Express Download Service (in bold red several times) – EDS”. Following their procedure, you put your purchase in the cart, check out with your payment info, then log out & log back in and lo & behold you will download your program “instantly”. Except their logon page won’t recognize your logon. Have them send you a new PW by mail – it comes instantly – and the system won’t recognize that either. Send online contact – no response – OK so maybe they don’t work shifts. They did however, successfully take my paypal payment instantly. Thank God I didn’t give them a CC number. Did a Whois on the domain – they are in Ukraine. Oh well, apparently I’ve just been ripped off for $12.99.
Who else provides this kind of program? Hopefully in the US or UK?
I’ve done further checking on this and it seems the site has been hacked.. My malware scanners detected an iframe exploit as soon as I tried to load up the site today so it seems someone has successfully injected code into the site.
Apologies for that as I have literally only just noticed… I would definitely change your login details for Paypal and run a full scan and update of your system to be sure.
As regards the R280, I’ll email you a link to solve that one.
Hi, I read carefuly your comments. What I’d like to say:
1. To MarkT: All our customers get their orders. Untill today, we had PayPal payment module since 2002 installed at our site. It worked fine for 6-7 years. But! About 1 month ago PayPal company changed some data in their billing system. Since September 2009 they will change billing system to make it more secure. 2manuals,com is not only one site, which got this problem 1 week ago. You can check for example here – http://forums.oscommerce.com/index.php?showtopic=335698 . So, MarkT, please contuct us here – http://www.2manuals.com/contact_us.php and we’ll resolve your situation. By the way, we have NO open issues in our PayPal account (you know, if you think you are ripped – you can claim toPayPal and get your money back).
2. To Admin: Yes, 2manuals.com cought iframe virus on July 22 and thank to Martin Smallridge notification we have fixed this problem. No customs information had gone to third party persons.
3. Actually, service programs are created for service centers (not for home end users), that is why new adjustment programs are “connected” to PC. The utility create 2 files 2 kB each with the control value, which is different for each PC. There is no any customers information in this files. You can check this by yourself. Here is the instruction how to create 2 files – http://www.2manuals.com/download/1.htm
4. We can answer your questions by email or just here.
My apologies for not getting back sooner. I was scrambling to get the printer working in preparation to run a booth at a ride-in – got it working but no time for follow up on this detail as well as others before I had to leave. 2manuals did make sure I got my software the next day and I used it and it did work as expected on clearing the waste ink counter on my R280. It appeared at the time, I couldn’t get the software I paid for – certainly not quickly – then I was alarmed where they were located as I figured no recourse for me. But then it was only a small amount. In any case, that was a false alarm as they did step up and provide a link for the software, and it worked as advertised.
Thanks 2Manuals.
I took the leap and I’m in a similar position to MarkT, except I paid $60 for the Epson TX800FW adjustment program (gulp). Still waiting on the programme, more hopefully after MarkT’s experience. I’ll keep you posted
If your order number is 16866 – we have already sent you TX800 program on July 19.
Otherway contact us, please.
Well I have to report success. It seems there was a problem with emails being misdirected or something. Upshot is I received the programme today (downloaded from 2manuals server), ran it and it worked! Instructions etc were in Spanish but there is an english version on the site for R280 which works too. Faith in human kind is restored (Epson and its dubious practices aside)
Good to know that things have been resolved lately…
I have examined the generator.zip file that you are required to run as part of the process for profiling your machine and while I would recommend using your own virus/malware scanning software, it doesn’t appear to contain anything that’s considered dangerous.
As for the 2manuals.com website, there is still a small issue with the certificate chain for the SSL cert on the site but otherwise it does look like business has returned to normal… which is good. 🙂
Well I paid $69 for the Epson Artisan 800FW Service Adjustment Program two days ago. However I haven’t received anything. I got an email from 2 manuals with a link to download the software but all I get is a zip file that contains the same files I had to send in order to create the Epson Artisan 800FW Service Adjustment Program. So far I haven’t received any other explanation or link that would allow me to download the software.
I also took the plunge, $69.99 for the Epson Artisan 800FW Service Adjustment Program from 2manuals. I have sent the 2 generated files they requested (A rather deterring method) I have not heard back from them for 1 day now. A bit more communication from them would be nice, instead they leave us to think the worst. #17232
For Nicoleto:
We have sent you already the second link to download the adjustment program, you have ordered.
Sorry for first link – it was just for your 2 pc files. We have added one more zip file with the adjustment program, created for your PC and Artisan 800.
Sorry for that mistake and hope to here from you good news.
Kind regards, John.
Hi John it works thanks very much. Once downloaded it took me less than a minute to reset the printer. This is a very intuitive and easy to use software. I am a happy camper now.
Thanks again
2manuals has come through with shinning colors, at least my colors are shinning now, thanks 2manuals.
The waiting period can get frustrating. From the comments that I have read and my experience, future customers need to have their patience pants on and not be in desperation to have their printer functioning.
I ordered the Service Utility for Artisan PX800, the printer I have is the Japanese model EP-901A. 2manuals came through with the service Utility for my model EP-901A, shows good communication internally at 2manuals.
I still find the method of submitting the 2 files generated from the application they send you disconcerting and time consuming.
Thank you 2manuals
I am not a happy camper now! I purchased the utility and used it twice, a stick of ram was fried and had to be replaced, now the utility does not work. I can’t believe how they, 2manuals can offer such an application that will not allow you to change even a memory stick. I can’t express my anger enough here in words…… 🙁
I’m aware that the reset utils available from 2manuals are locked to specific computers and the sort of hardware failure you have suffered might well be part of what causes it to fail.
My advice, if you haven’t already would be to contact 2manuals with an updated hardware profile and an explanation of the situation and see what can be done, if anything. Hopefully there will be a positive outcome.
Update: 2manuals has agreed to issue me with another Service Utility. I wanted to make sure that my system was functioning perfectly before re-sending the 2 System Config. files they need to lock the utility to my system.